Changing lives by sharing the love of Christ as we worship, learn, care, and serve.

Sunday Service Schedule
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Worship

Curious about joining the church? We would love to talk with you today.


Clarifying Christianity: What does it mean…?

As Christians, we are so used to hearing and saying common phrases, whether individually or as a church in unison, that we can sometimes end up saying things we don’t have a full understanding of.

Join us for this new 6-week sermon series as we dive into the deeper meanings behind some phrases that have come to define our faith.

Do you mean what you say?

10/20 - “When I Say That I’m Saved?”

10/27 - “When I Say That I’m a Methodist?”

11/3 - “When I Say That God Is In Control?”

11/10 - “When I Say I’m Praying For You?”

11/17 - “When I Hear about Satan, Angels, and Demons?”

11/24 - “When I Say I’m Being Led By The Spirit?”

HMC 2023 Youth Group

Grades 7-12

Wednesdays: 6 pm - 7 pm

Youth Room inside Fellowship Hall

We believe in community and the transformational grace of God.

We have been a pillar of our community for over 140 years and we aren’t done yet. We value authentic connection and communication. When you visit Howe Methodist Church, we hope you feel loved and accepted. Our mission is to show God’s love to anyone who walks through our doors.

 Explore our different ministries





We hope to see you on Sunday or at one of or other events.

Join us this Sunday.